Saturday, December 17, 2011

Hola Chicas!

Hola Chica Choos! (one of my friends used to call me chica choo & I loved that name!

So last night was the big party for work and I am happy ot report that I did pretty well. There were alot of great food choices and I feel like I did well in making good selections. There was a wonderful salad, (w/ ranch dressing!! yay!) Steamed veggies (cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, zucchini) salmon, roast beef, a chicken breast with a raspberry sauce on it that was delicious, fresh fruit, rolls & butter & some of the most delicious looking desserts ever!!! I had a little something before going because I had eaten at 11:30 am & was pretty much starving when I got home from work. At the party, I had a yummy tossed salad, 1/2 of the raspberry chicken breast (hubby ate the other half) one small slice of roast beef, and about 2 bites of the salmon (that was actually really really good!) I had a few pcs of fresh fruit, some of the steamed veggies (about 1/2 cup) I skipped the roll & butter but I did get a slice of Italian creme cake. I had intentions of eating only 1/2 of it but OMG, it was spectacular and its something I rarely ever get so I ate every last bite! :) It was worth it! I was waiting all week to go to this dinner & I feel like I did really well passing up all the other temptations & catered lunches at work so I don't feel bad about it at all! I told myself at the beginning of the week that if I didn't want to weigh in this week, I didn't have to. I gave myself permission to enjoy myself,however, I found myself not wanting to partake in all of that food. It just wasn't worth it to me. Instead, I weighed in today as normal and I actually lost .6#. I was thrilled and I will take it! Getting through this week was challenging at times, but I prevailed & I wish I could put into word how great I feel about myself. I AM stronger than I ever thought I was and I have proven to myself this year that will determination & "Want"power, anything is possible! I hope I don't come off as bragging....not intended to come off that way. It is just such a victory for me and I wanted to share it with you all because I know you know where I am coming from. I seem to be stuck in the 170s again! Just looked back at my weight tracker with WW & I am teetering between 176-178. (sigh) Its frustrating but at least Im not gaining.

So another party tonite but I'm not worried about it in the least. I know I can keep it under control. So that's my thoughts of the day. I hope you are all doing well and are having a great weekend!

((HUGS)) to all of my Chicas!


  1. Sherri, you are not bragging, but even if you were, you can always brag to us. You are a rock star!!! Losing during this holiday season and with all the parties is a real accomplishmet! I'm proud of you! Have fun at your party Chico Choo...hugs from me to you!! (hey that rhymes!!!)

  2. Brag away, Chico Choo! Not that you are bragging at all, but that is a huge success! Great job! Have a great time at the party tonight!!

  3. I say you earned bragging rights! I know what you mean though, I want to shout out how proud of myself I am sometimes, but I don't want to make anyone else feel less successful because they had a rough day. WE ARE ALL SUCCESSFUL because we are all still doing this!!! I am so stinking proud of you girl. It truly is all in our heads, how we wrap our heads around what is important or not.
    You my friend are a LOSER!!! And in December no less:) Woot!!!

  4. Hey there, that is great about the weight. And you did great at the party. I hope you have fun tonight also and remember we are always here for you no matter what you have to say :-)

  5. Brag away, we are always glad to hear it. I'm glad you were able to enjoy your holiday party instead of stressing about it, I hope you have a wonderful time at your party tonight :)

  6. You are doing so well this holiday season!! Isn't it great to know we can stay healthy and have fun at the same time! I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday!

  7. Hey Sherri! Thanks for the kind words today. You are, of course, right. 10 pounds (especially when it's completely fat, which I'm sure mine is) is a large amount. And at this stage of the game it does take a huge effort. I felt frustrated earlier this week- felt like I was backsliding - my worst fear- but I'm better now. I'm not backsliding. :) Have a great day!

  8. Hi All,

    I had to close my blog, and set up a new one, because I was having so many troubles with it. Here's my new blog address...

    Hope to see you all at my "new" blog.

